Florida Day 5 – The End of This Chapter
The only reason I had an alarm set was to make sure I didn’t sleep through check-out. Trust me, I would have.
I was exhausted but I had to drag myself out of bed. Had to pack since I opted to sleep once I had returned to the hotel the night before. Drag everything back down to the car. pack that. Double check I didn’t leave anything. I left the burrs, though. Those fucking burrs.
It was only at this point did I realize I should have stayed one more night. I could explore Florida a bit more. There was the nature preserve near the KSC. Alas… didn’t think, didn’t plan. Â And I had already picked these little bastards off my shoes…
Plastic fork, people. Seriously. Wedge them into the tines of the fork and pull. Works wonders. Too bad I only thought of that when I was almost done and my fingertips were numb. Evil little things…
Brunch at the iHop. Pictures of the palms in the area. That was about it. I hopped back onto I-95 north and drove all day until I made it to my parent’s house back in North Carolina. Stayed a few days to rest and spent time with the ‘rents, then a few days with my sisters back up on Long Island. Soon, I was back up in Rochester. Was it worth missing out on Thanksgiving? Yeah. Will I try for another TweetUp? Hell Yeah!
Will be a TweetUp Reunion in August when Curiosity lands on Mars? Maybe…