
Life, art, and complaints of Cat Razim

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Florida Day 5 – The End of This Chapter

The only reason I had an alarm set was to make sure I didn’t sleep through check-out. Trust me, I would have.

I was exhausted but I had to drag myself out of bed. Had to pack since I opted to sleep once I had returned to the hotel the night before. Drag everything back down to the car. pack that. Double check I didn’t leave anything. I left the burrs, though. Those fucking burrs.

It was only at this point did I realize I should have stayed one more night. I could explore Florida a bit more. There was the nature preserve near the KSC. Alas… didn’t think, didn’t plan.  And I had already picked these little bastards off my shoes…

Sharp prickly Sand Burrs

Sharp prickly Sand Burrs

Plastic fork, people. Seriously. Wedge them into the tines of the fork and pull. Works wonders. Too bad I only thought of that when I was almost done and my fingertips were numb. Evil little things…

Palm Tree

Oh look! A palm Tree!

Brunch at the iHop. Pictures of the palms in the area. That was about it. I hopped back onto I-95 north and drove all day until I made it to my parent’s house back in North Carolina. Stayed a few days to rest and spent time with the ‘rents, then a few days with my sisters back up on Long Island. Soon, I was back up in Rochester. Was it worth missing out on Thanksgiving? Yeah. Will I try for another TweetUp? Hell Yeah!

Will be a TweetUp Reunion in August when Curiosity lands on Mars? Maybe…

Curiosity Poster

MSL Curiosity Poster

posted by Cathy Razim at 3:22 am  

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