
Life, art, and complaints of Cat Razim

Friday, July 1, 2011

Book Review – Catching Fire (Hunger Games Trilogy Book 2)

If it wasn’t clear in my last post – GO READ THE HUNGER GAMES! NOW!!

I seriously finished the second book about 20 minutes ago and while I clench the third and final book in my arms as I type this dying to know how it ends, I figure I should take a break and reflect on the second book. Maybe review? We’ll see how that works…

Now see, it’s hard enough to write a review the first time around since you want to just type and spoil away, unforgiving because in your mind EVERYONE should have read this already. However, it’s even more difficult to write something on the second.. now I have to be careful not to spoil the first or second book. I’ll try and be as careful as I can.

So… beware what’s below.


posted by Cathy Razim at 12:24 am  

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